Suitable for cables: 17PAtC, 17VAtC, Series DG113, DGAL115, Series KF114, QF100BL, RP61B, RP913B, Series SAT50, Series SAT703, SATAL705, SAT752F, TS61L, TS703J
Technical Characteristics
Caracteristic Impedance: 75 Ohm
Operational: to 3 GHz
Shielding Efficiency: better than the once of cable
Max. Tensile Strength: 200 N
Operating Temperature: – 5° to 85°C
Material: Brass connector body per JIS-C3604
Plating: NITIN (stain free), salty air resistant (tested till 500 hours)
Water Proof Sealing: by internal and external O-Rings